Does it feel to you people that sometimes, something you are trying to hold onto starts to sort of slip out of your grasp?
Like when your holding something, and you can feel it start to fall out of your hands. Its like its in slow motion, you can see clearly every millimetre it falls out. Then you clutch at it desperately, trying really hard to stop it, but your fingers miss it and you know its going to hit rock bottom pretty soon.
To me it may happen with a feeling, a friend, an ability, or whatever. Example, if i feel something about something, i can see my feelings start to change. My mind reaches out, telling me not to feel that way, but it just gets worse and worse and sets off a chain reaction of failure. And its weird.... =S
Is it weird?
Love to all my readers
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15 years ago
I know
I... think I may be a tad confused here.
However, I know the feeling of something physically slipping out of my grasp... I can never seem to hold onto those stupid babies... no... how'd that happen? I just confused myself with Britney Spears... O God! I CAN FEEL MY SANITY SLIPPING AWAY! AHHHHHH!
I have no idea what you just said. I wish I could help though :(
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