Sunday, February 24, 2008

Valid insults please!

In school about a week ago, i got called a 'stupid skank'... This is by a notorious flirt who i am surprised can even spell his own name.
Insults these days are generally crude, unthought out, vile, or insulting someones reputation. Maybe our days generation lacks imagination? At the very least, insults could be valid, and actually directed at someone in particular, rather than there being a general insult for everyone no matter whether it actually applies or not.
Please, people out there, if you really must insult someone, with no other option, at least use a bit of intelligence.

peace (and preferably no insults at all)



The Tea Party Police said...

This is totally true. I hate it when a person calls me a "fat black bitch". I am not fat, black or a bitch...I don't think...anyway, you still think MY insults are awesome, right? RIIGHT? Coz "Your face" is about as good as it gets.
Hugs and kissies,

Samantha Speaker said...

Sorry that had to happen to you. People at school keep telling me "get a haircut". I get that at least twice every day. The problem with these people is it doesn't matter to them that you don't care, or that the insult is stupid: It's funny to them. No matter what people say about bullies, like that they bore easily, and i you ignore them they'll stop, they won't stop, because they think that their stupid, constant (At least in my case) comments are HILARIOUS.

Ashlee. said...

I definitely agree. Everyone knows that the guy who said that to you is an arrogant jerk who can't see past his own stupidly coloured hair in order to give out any truthful insults, so..
He just wants the attention, as do all the other bullies in the world. It makes him feel better to call people names, even though he is the one in need of a good emotional belting... why doesn't he just crawl back to the hole he most likely came from?

Teagan said...

Agreed. Entirely and completely.
Some BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP called me a sk--- (enough said) the other day.

And I'm all 'eh?'

Hehe. People should grow some freakin' brains.

*Starts a petition*