Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hmmm. This is probably incredibly obvious to all others, but is there a connection between these two words:


Fascism- a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism. (

So... a system of government ruled over by one tyrant, oppressing people right and left, controlling everything, trying to make everyone conform to one type of person, and often being racist i suppose.

Fashion- conventional usage in dress, manners, etc., esp. of polite society, or conformity to it. (

So... a system of dressing ruled over by tyrant supermodels of today and the fashion industry, oppressing people who dress differently, controlling what sizes are let into stores, and trying to make everyone conform to this ideal type of beautiful person. Sometimes racist. I suppose

Oh, you're absolutely right. No connection at all.

Love, and rebellion against the chains of conformity!!!


p.s. - this post was inspired by my lovely little sister, who has repeatedly insulted my 'fashion sense' recently, and who has to ask if she looks good a million times before she leaves the house. Lol.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A skill I highly admire.

I very much admire the ability to see the beauty in everything, or at least ALMOST everything. People who see the beauty in things... they deserve love. They can see past appearances, or a bad hair day, and they love things and people for the things that make them beautiful both inside and out. =)

They could be any sort of person... people who write poetry about sad things see the beauty in sadness, and tears. True hippy people see the beauty in the world all around us, the trees and flowers and animals. Friendly people see the beauty people have inside them, be it obvious or not so much.

I strive to be like these people who can find the beauty in things. beauty does not only have to be shallow, it can mean so much...

To all my good friends - I think you are all beautiful inside and out. =)
To everyone in the world - You all have something special, i hope you know this. Try to also see what is special in others, because as beautiful things make me happy, so they might make the world a happier place.

beauty to everyone, especially of the inside variety. =)


(To my significant other - You know i think you're gorgeous. =p everything about you is special and beautiful to me. Sorry this is soppy)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Slipping away....

Does it feel to you people that sometimes, something you are trying to hold onto starts to sort of slip out of your grasp?

Like when your holding something, and you can feel it start to fall out of your hands. Its like its in slow motion, you can see clearly every millimetre it falls out. Then you clutch at it desperately, trying really hard to stop it, but your fingers miss it and you know its going to hit rock bottom pretty soon.

To me it may happen with a feeling, a friend, an ability, or whatever. Example, if i feel something about something, i can see my feelings start to change. My mind reaches out, telling me not to feel that way, but it just gets worse and worse and sets off a chain reaction of failure. And its weird.... =S

Is it weird?

Love to all my readers


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Forever forward.

Bigger and better, right? Or smaller and slicker, faster, stronger... That is what we as humanity generally strive for, right?

Hmm. Lets compare modern day language to, say, shakespearian language. Would you ever hear Shakespeare saying 'Yeah well your face is gross', or in terms of romance: 'Yeah, she's pretty hot, I sorta like her, like, a bit' etc.

If society is moving forward, then how come the state of language is so rapidly decreasing?
It is puzzling. =s

Actually i envy characters in Shakespeare plays. I would very much enjoy being incredibly quick of wit, with lots of fancy words at my disposal. When i'm writing for example, i have plenty of time to think of how i will set out what i have to say, i don't have to think quick and i have the opportunity to utilise words i wouldn't use in normal conversation. Given the choice, i would speak like Mercutio, from Romeo and Juliet. Sure, Mercutio speaks quite a lot of nonsense, but he speaks with passion, and he is eloquent, witty and imaginative. I want to be like that one day.

Sorry this blog post is rather self-oriented. =s

peace and quick witted-ness. =)


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Everyone loves being 'do-able', duh.

Hooray for spending 3 months with comments to the effect of 'daaaaamn, she hot!' and 'I'd tap that!' whenever a girl in the top 2% of attractive people walked past. Yay for any other girl who walked past getting comments like 'Ooh, u know, bit of cushion for the pushin'', or implications of a one night stand without any commitment, simply because the girl is not hot enough.
Who knows if my stepbrothers were actually joking or not? Does it really matter? Surely the purpose of a joke is to be funny, but noone apart from my stepbrothers seems to think these comments are.
I certainly don't. I think: Where the hell are they learning this stuff? Is it from their popular bastard friends, is it from girls who LIKE it being implied that they are 'do-able' (god forbid), or is it from incredibly stupid TV personalities?
What could possibly make a guy think they'll get a positive reaction from thinking all girls will throw themselves willingly into a physical relationship as long as it's made clear that they are 'hot' and could be 'tapped'? Isn't that like seeing something nice in a window and expecting it to be your's?
Gah, the idiot guys who think like that practically define objectifying.

peace and love from a very frustrated caitlin.


Monday, May 5, 2008

Oops, hypocrite...

Firstly, sorry i haven't been updating. For those who don't know (though i highly doubt many people actually read this) I am currently travelling around Australia, without much chance at getting online.

Secondly: I seem to find myself prejudiced against a certain type of person, based on the clothes they wear. This by no means applies to everyone, but when i walk down the street theres a specific type of style that seems to directly clash with mine.

For example, i walk down the street in my oversized 'colour the world' t-shirt, in the loose pants i bought in Singapore, and in the crocs which i decorated. I carry either a green enviro bag, or my self-modified shoulder bag. I walk by myself, staring off into the distance and daydreaming, my hair simply puffed up around my head, face clear of makeup, and henna designs up my arms.

Then there is them. They straighten their hair to within an inch of its life and it looks like straw. They wear every sort of makeup imaginable, and you cant even see what they look like without it. Typically, they wear skinny leg jeans, with expensive looking shoes, and a tight t-shirt that shows off their oversized boobs (probably padded). They carry pretty handbags, generally walk as a group, all with a sneer on their face as they check out the people who seem to lack their ultimate sense of style (me, duh), or they flirt with guys who probably took the same amount of time to do their hair.

Not good, but i seem to hate these people, and they consider me beneath their standards. I guess we maintain a healthy balance. That is, until these horrors annoy me too much and i stab them. But i dont see why people seem to want to be like them. I see 10 year olds down the street already dressing like them. It's sad that they will grow up to be evil clones.

Peace, and a reassurance that this doesn't apply to everyone.


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Valid insults please!

In school about a week ago, i got called a 'stupid skank'... This is by a notorious flirt who i am surprised can even spell his own name.
Insults these days are generally crude, unthought out, vile, or insulting someones reputation. Maybe our days generation lacks imagination? At the very least, insults could be valid, and actually directed at someone in particular, rather than there being a general insult for everyone no matter whether it actually applies or not.
Please, people out there, if you really must insult someone, with no other option, at least use a bit of intelligence.

peace (and preferably no insults at all)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Stereotypical Music Videos

Act of stereotyping part one-

Black (for want of a better word) men are portrayed as criminal. They are shown to be muscular, shifty-looking, 'gangsta' thugs who hang around in gangs and wear bling from their apparent wealth. Not in all cases, of course, but enough for the typical 'black person' image to take root. I have nothing against these 'sexy' criminal-ish guys (who seem to get whatever backup dancer they want) but the extent to which young black men are pushed is like they are being forced to live up to this image or risk being seen as uncool. To famous black rappers/singers/whatever, not all guys with your beautiful dark skin want to be seen as a 'homie gangsta'.

Act of stereotyping part two-

NOT all girls are skanks. In fact, hardly any walk around in hot pants and a bikini top shaking their booty, and being all over any guy that just happens to walk past. Sure, they can if they want to, but is there really any point in surrounding singers with skanky backup dancers in practically underwear? All it does is make people believe that its okay to judge girls on whether they are a double D cup or not, and makes some guys think its okay to talk about a girls body in derogative ways if they are not the image of 'feminine perfection' found in skanky backup dancers. Obviously, dancers in film clips have to wear clothes that make them appealing, as such. That doesn't mean that they wear practically nothing and show that fact off. Girls only go along with it to get noticed in the dog eat dog world of backup dancers, and to gain the attention of sexist managers...

More on this another time. Peace for now.
