Friday, December 28, 2007

The state of things in the world...

Universal primary education- the amount of money it would take to have, in every country, basic schooling available for all children is $10 billion per year. Every year the US spends more than that on ice-cream.
Reproductive services for every woman, to make childbirth safer, would cost $12 billion per year. Europe and the US spend that amount on perfumes.
Basic healthcare and good nutrition would cost $13 billion a year, and Europe and the US spend that amount on pet food.
Primary level education for all at current rate of progress will be achievable by the time Kylie Minogue is 162 years old.

This information is... just horrifying. People worldwide dying of preventable causes, while the richer countries are spending on petty priviledges...
For more information there are a couple of good websites-

love, and an end to poverty...



The Tea Party Police said...

congratulations again on another eye-opening post.

did you know, the US spends enough money on DOG FOOD to feed a developing country for a year, and have enough change to vaccinate half of that countries population from preventable deseases?

it really makes you think. i read this article about an american 'socialite' who spends over $500,000 a year on..wait for it..her pet chihauha's CLOTHES! for god's's a friggin DOG! what use could it have for $18,000 diamond collars, Louis Vuiton bags and prada skirts?

some people make me sick-
like ashlee, LOL!

Orbloe the Magnificent

The Tea Party Police said...

-god, that's embarrasing, i spelt diseases wrong. seriously, that f***king mongrel won't sleep at night until it's wearing either its pink or blue chanel cashmere has its own room, ensuite, kitchen, four-poster bed, chef and NANNY! she won't go on walks, she has to be driven around the park in her rolls royce! IT'S A BLOODY DOG!

my puppy sleeps outside with and old blanket, gets 2 tinned meals a day, 30 minute walks at least once a day- and he's perfectly happy!

Samantha Speaker said...

Well done. Awesome work there :)

It's true. Developed countries spend a lot of money on CRAP.

So much unneeded stuff that we throw our money away on...

Anyway, I won't wreck your post by putting my own rant here. It's your blog, people should focus on your stuff. I'm content with just saying job well done :)