Friday, November 2, 2007


Don't you just hate it when people automatically think they are the best at something? When a task pops up, they step forward and say 'i know what to do' in this really smug tone, and of course everyone else who knows what to do is completely and utterly wrong.
Maybe it is a trait of humanity, or at least some people, to believe they are better than everyone else, and in their own minds see themselves as best for the job.
Admittedly, sometimes these people ARE the best for the job, but then they act all superior. And then there are those other smart people who stay back because they know their own ability, and know that they honestly have no idea what they are talking about or what to do.
But the general annoyance is still there.
It happens with things as irrelevant as opening a box. Lets say person 1 says "i cant open this box", and immediately persons 2, 3, 4 and 5 all jump in and claim they can open the box, they know what to do. If someone else does manage to do it, of course, in their own mind everyone else could have done it better, or faster. Maybe these people just like being noticed. Maybe they like being the centre of attention, and being seen as an expert for a while.
I say: give other people a chance to prove their worth once in a while. If you know what to do and no one else does, fair enough. But if a whole ton of people are 'experts', there is no point in fighting to do something that everyone else 'knows' they can do better anyway.

peace out



Samantha Speaker said...

Man, I hate when people do that. Someone asks a question, person answers, answer was wrong, person who answered spends next half-hour trying to prove themselves right.

Inividual Chick said...

HAHA im one of those 'experts' that think im so good ... well sometimes

Inividual Chick said...

Nah just joking. I dont go on the internet and look things up to prove someone wrong. Its annoying. I just stand back and let others do the thinking

five damned dollarz said...

During class I don't answer much, I hate crowds, anything past about 6-8 people and it's too much, unless of course it's some sort of party [even then it has to comply with certain rules I have enforced mentally], which I'm rarely invited to anyway [probably due to my partial insanity :D]

The Tea Party Police said...

caitlin, i agree with you, it sucks when somebody goes out of their way to prove you wrong..but can you HONESTLY say that you've never done it? I know I have, Rach has, Ash has and you certainly have. What about how you beat yourself up when someone beats you on a test? Or, when someone- LIKE ME- doesn't do as well as you, you say things like "It's okay, you'll do better next time".I'm not trying to put you down, what you're doing is great, but I think you just need to take more people into consideration, sometimes even yourself.

God, now I feel mean, but I just had to say something.

Bee thee wee, I still haven't seen anything on the Indian manatee or the Madagascan aye-aye.