Hooray for spending 3 months with comments to the effect of 'daaaaamn, she hot!' and 'I'd tap that!' whenever a girl in the top 2% of attractive people walked past. Yay for any other girl who walked past getting comments like 'Ooh, u know, bit of cushion for the pushin'', or implications of a one night stand without any commitment, simply because the girl is not hot enough.
Who knows if my stepbrothers were actually joking or not? Does it really matter? Surely the purpose of a joke is to be funny, but noone apart from my stepbrothers seems to think these comments are.
I certainly don't. I think: Where the hell are they learning this stuff? Is it from their popular bastard friends, is it from girls who LIKE it being implied that they are 'do-able' (god forbid), or is it from incredibly stupid TV personalities?
What could possibly make a guy think they'll get a positive reaction from thinking all girls will throw themselves willingly into a physical relationship as long as it's made clear that they are 'hot' and could be 'tapped'? Isn't that like seeing something nice in a window and expecting it to be your's?
Gah, the idiot guys who think like that practically define objectifying.
peace and love from a very frustrated caitlin.
ヤクザ顔 236873-ヤクザ顔の俳優
3 years ago